How to Use Summaries to Build a Consistent Faith Practice

Spirituality benefits both body and mind. It relieves individuals from everyday stress by giving them a sense of peace and calmness. Anyone who desires to cultivate a spiritual routine faces many challenges. One of the major challenges is lack of time. Nobody has enough time to read lengthy spiritual books.

Here's a solution - instead of reading long spiritual books, they can opt for summaries of bestselling Christian books. These concise summaries tell you everything about the teachings without taking much time. Here is how to use summaries to build consistent faith practice:

Making Your Daily Routine

Building a spiritual routine isn’t about reading those lengthy books. It’s about setting realistic goals like reading daily for 15 minutes, applying principles in real life, and changing life accordingly. Instead of reading everything you can start by listening to twenty-minute summaries of popular Christian literature books that are insightful and give you actionable steps. You can choose a specific time to listen to a summary, it can be morning or evening according to your schedule.

Incorporating Summaries into Your Routine

If you aren't much of a listening person, you can also opt for short video summaries. It will help you understand complex concepts and make the conclusion process much easier. Combine both forms of engagement according to your schedule flexibility.

The best way is to incorporate audio summaries when traveling or on the bus and plan visual learning in leisure time—either way, it’s a great way to increase the consumption of spiritual content.

Personalizing Your Spiritual Study

Spirituality is about changing the way you perceive the world. It’s more than just reading spiritual books. To understand them fully, you have to highlight key points, make notes, and revisit important sections. Keep track of the important points and the reflections to record the spiritual journey. If you want to make more out of it, share your findings with a small group or friend.

Before starting a spiritual journey, make sure the summaries you are reading are accurate. Only choose summaries that are rigorously fact-checked by scholars.

About Holy Reads:

Holy Reads is a collection of concise summaries of best-selling Christian literature books in text, audio, and video formats. They support multiple devices along with an option to personalize notes and summaries. The best part is all summaries are rigorously fact-checked by scholars.

For more information, visit


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